Review Policy

Hello and thank you for your interest in A Bookish Nerd! Please read my review policy below before sending a review request. Thanks.

**I accept books in three formats: PDF, Kindle, or physical copy. Nothing else.**

Review requests:

- I only review two genres: young adult and new adult. Please do not ask me to review your book if it does not fall into one of these categories. 99% of the time I will decline. 

- If your book falls into either one of those categories and you're interested in a book review from me, please send me an email at 

  • Please include in the email: Title of book, author name (if you are not the author, please provide your name as well), publisher, date published, page count, the book format for the review, and the synopsis or blurb.

**I do not accept review requests through any social media platforms. This includes Goodreads.**

If your book review request is declined: It could be for any reason. I reserve the right to decline any offers without an explanation. Please do not send me a hateful email if I choose not to review your book. This will only make me more determined than ever to spread the word that you are unprofessional. 

If your book review is accepted: Allow me 2-3 weeks to read and review your book. If this seems like too long of a period, please do not send me a review request. I have other things going on in my life as well as reviewing books so please be respectful of that and give me the time frame that I ask. 

Sites my book reviews are posted:
  • On this website: A Bookish Nerd.
  • Goodreads (A shortened version with a link to the full review)
If you want me to upload my full reviews on Barnes&Noble or Amazon, feel free to ask me to do so and I will. I will also post the full review on Goodreads if asked.

A note: I am 100% honest with my book reviews. It does not matter that you've given me your book to review for free. If I did not like your book, I will give it a low rating. However, I will explain my reasoning behind why I did not like it. If I enjoyed your book, it will be given a high rating. Either way, all reviews regardless of the rating I give it will be posted. All opinions given in my reviews are my own and no one else's. I do not plagiarize work. If I insert a quote from your book, it will be formatted so that it is obvious it is not my own words. Speaking of plagiarizing.. do not send me anything that has plagiarized content for any reason whatsoever. I will find out. I will then go to every source I have to expose you of the fraud that you are. I will have no remorse in doing so. You will have lost all respect from me, and I will never touch anything else that you write.

Not all reviews that are posted on A Bookish Nerd are from authors or publishers. Some may come from libraries, friends, family members, or I may have purchased the book myself. If I have received a book to review from a publisher, author, or review website like Edelweiss or Netgalley, I will say so in the review. 

That's all, folks! Send me an email at for review requests or anything regarding A Bookish Nerd! Thanks and  happy reading!

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